Saturday, January 17, 2009

Procrastination(to be graded)

Hello, viewers and graders of my blog.I am going to write about procrastination, under a moment spent alone doing something I enjoyed.

It was a rather warm Saturday afternoon when I unwillingly settled down in my study room to do some homework, which I did not feel like doing. I am sure everyone of us has felt this feeling before. As I started to gather the question paper and pens required, I realised that I needed to get some foolscap, only available in another room.As such, I quickly walked over to the room. En route, however, I noticed a long stick, or to be more exact, the kind of long hollow tubing which book wrap is put around. My ever fertile imagination started to go on an overdrive, and I picked up the stick, which had already became a samurai's sword. By the time I gripped it tightly in my hands, I had already become a samurai doomed to die defending a outpost against hundreds of demons. Then, I got bored and became a spearman defending against charging knights.

The result? I spent half an hour happily in dreamland fighting against imaginary warriors until finally, I accidentally whacked my stick on a piece of furniture. When I inspected the stick for damage, I remembered what I was supposed to be doing and was mortified to find that half an hour had been wasted.

I quickly ordered myself to focus, grabbed the foolscap paper, sat down and started to do my work. Before I had wrote more then ten words, I sniffed the air to find that my mother had been cooking a delicious lunch of stir-fried pasta while I had been "fighting". I debated momentarily about whether or not to continue, but I figured that I would not be able to focus on a grumbling stomach. After lunch, I was well-contented and full.If that had been all, I would have finished my work and would not have written this entry. However, I was well-contented, full AND sleepy. I sat down, trying to fight a losing battle with my own body - not the best of ideas. I quickly succumbed to sleep, only to be woken up by my mother fifteen minutes later.

I realised that there was no point fighting with my body, and decided to rest for half an hour before continuing with my work. The only problem with this idea was that I forgot to set the alarm clock, and it was only one and a half hours later when I woke up. Extremely irked with myself for wasting more then 2 hours, I resolved to finish my work by the end of the day, before continuing to play. Of course, this resolution didn't last long. To be exact, it lasted for less than 5 minutes. The moment I went downstairs, events transpired against me and I ended up watching my brother play World of Warcraft.It was only after my mother called that it was time to go out for dinner did I realise that I had wasted another hour. By then, it was to late to save the day, and I ended up resolving to finish the work the next day.

In conclusion, I realised that it was better to get the work done in the beginning, and not to divulge from the path, no matter how good the reason, as that would usually lead further and further off the path until you were lost.

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