Friday, January 30, 2009

Message to Mr Tan

Sir, the video's are the form of media for the blog entries. Also, there are 2 more entries under older posts at the bottom of the page.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The picnic(Not to be graded)

Here is a video of someone else's picnic which you might enjoy.

The picnic(To be graded)

Hello, viewers of this blog, I am going to write about a picnic, under a moment I enjoyed with my family.

It was a rather cool and breezy day when my family and I had a picnic. That picnic was going to be one of the best, most treasured memory in my life.It happened when I was only six years old. What happened? I mean, why should a picnic be the most treasured memory in my life? After all, there are countless of other incidents in which I thoroughly enjoyed myself, so why should a picnic be my most treasured memory?

Perhaps, if I describe it to you it would be easier to understand.It started with my family and I spreading out a groundsheet and laying food on it. What food? There was delicious home-cooked chicken wing, both savoury and tender with a warm fragrant aroma. Other then that, there was a 1.5 litre bottle of chilled "ice lemon tea". Now that might not seem very special to you, but to me, a boy who rarely gets to drink any drinks other then chilled water , "ice lemon tea" is as good as the nectar of the gods.Then there was "it". Yes, you know what I speak of. The one, the only, the most beloved of the most beloved-potato chips. Of course, it might not seem worth all this worship, but to a boy of six years, one untainted by the realisation that potato chips are relatively common and cheap, it could easily be seen as heaven.

Of course,what I mentioned was the three items which appealed to me the most. As of now, I can no longer remember the other items there. Now, I see a assumption dawning on your minds. Am I one of those cheap people who can be bribed away easily by food or money? Was the food what made it special? Of course not.

Like the mark of a future hero, this was simply what marked it to be special, not the action of heroism itself. What was the true thing that made it unique was my family's love. It was a subtle but powerful feeling, that made you feel both happy in indescribable way, and to feel satisfied, content, with not a care in the world. This might sound like an exaggeration, but it was true. Of course, my mind then was relatively carefree, pure and untainted, and this could have helped to make this occasion better. I would not be distracted by my irritation with a friend a day ago. The enjoyment of my food would not be a different pleasure that distracted me so much that I would be unable to feel the love. I was truly clean, not yet corrupted by man's evil.

Now, when I think of that beautiful memory, I smile, happy to have that particular memory. Then I sigh, knowing that I can never return to that memory, no matter how much I want to.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Laughter(not to be graded)

Here is something to help you if you have the same problem I wrote about in my earlier post.

Laughter(to be graded)

Hello to any viewing this blog. I am now going to write about an experience that happened recently, under the topic "something unusual that happened that day."

Now, I shall relate the unusual thing that happened that day without detail. It was a rather dull Friday morning, and a schoolmate told me a joke. I laughed heartily before continuing the conversation. End of experience. What was so unusual about that? Let me describe the case in detail. In case you didn't already know, the unusual occurrence was me laughing, laughing heartily. Again, what's so unusual? The thing about me and real laughter is that we rarely stray on each other's path, and it almost never happened in school.

No, I do laugh in school, just that it's not real laughter. Is there a difference, you may ask. Yes, of course there is. Fake laughter is the kind of laughter that happens if your friend tells you a bad joke or one that's kinda dumb, but you smile and pretend to laugh to be polite. Fake laughter's the kind of laughter which you do when everyone around you is laughing at something you don't really get, or feel is funny, but just join in for the sake of it. Of course, I have smiled, grinned or even chuckled in school, but to laugh heartily? That was just a plain breach of my personal etiquette. That was what made the day unusual, unique even special.

To make things, worse, I broke my personal etiquette for a rather lame joke I had already heard before. I'm not sure if the viewers of my blog have heard it, but here is the content of the joke," A student asked a teacher a question during a test, asking the day's date. The teacher replied that the day's date was not very important, and asked him to continue the paper. The student replied that he wanted to get one thing right on the entire paper." I didn't really understand the joke, it was kinda lame and it wasn't very funny, but I still laughed heartily. I felt and thought only three things then. Firstly, laughing feels good. Secondly, the joke's kinda lame. Thirdly, stop laughing.

In conclusion, I realised that laughing seemed to be good for you, and made a mental note to find more funny things to laugh at. I also made a mental note to change my personal etiquette to allow laughing.

Boredom(Not to be graded)

Since I am going to post up on boredom, let me post up a method to relieve it

Thursday, January 22, 2009

boredom (to be graded)

A hello to those grading my assignment and any other random viewers. I am about to write about boredom, under something that took place in school.

Have you ever had the feeling of a possibly good day being ruined? If you have not, then let me tell you about my experience. It started on a cool Monday morning, and I woke up refreshed and happy, the result of a good night's sleep and a pleasant dream. I quickly cleaned myself , before walking downstairs to find instant noodles waiting for me, instead of the usual monotonous (and distasteful) fare of oatmeal. I hurriedly went to the living room, barely thanked my father before the delicious scent of instant noodles forced me away. Yeah, I know-it's kinda pathetic for instant noodles to have so much control over you, but it was for breakfast, breaking the drought of eight or more hours without food.

Anyway, I thought just then of what a good day it was. Of course, I was proven wrong in school very quickly. At school, it started almost immediately, with one of the teacher's making a extremely long speech during the announcement time. Of course, no offence is intended to the teacher, but it was long and dry, no matter how you saw it. He droned on and on, and to make things worse, I had brought a Chinese book, and as such, could not bury myself in the book.

After an eternity AND more, he said the word "finally". I raised my hopes-maybe, just maybe, he was willing to be merciful and simply say "thank you", before leaving. Of course, I forgot what my church pastor had taught me through unending lines of two hour long sermons . "Finally" simply meant "Time to start on what I really meant to say". True enough, he chattered on, and on until my legs were aching from sitting down. Of course, I should be more merciful, after all, he wasn't that bad, and if my legs were tired from sitting down, wouldn't the teacher be far more tired from standing? Then again, he had ruined my good day, and so, mercy was in extremely short supply.

Then there was science. Again, no insult is intended, but my mind started to wonder, and I got bored enough to start playing with pens. I know-it's kinda childish, but I couldn't help it. I was bored, and those pens-they forced me to play, I can bet on that.It was then which I realised I had contracted a deadly illness, due to prolonged contact with boredem. It was (Where's the drum roll?) BOREDOM!!!

Later, boredom struck again when I was supposed to study Chinese. It happened the moment I sat down beside my study table. Suddenly, a whole new world of temptation opened up, and it was a brutal fight between raw will power and calls of the television, the storybooks, and the pens. As, I had to practice writing the words with the pen, it hardly helped that the pen cried to be played with. With a ongoing battle in my head, there simply was no more space to study Chinese. I instead got bored, very bored, till it got to the point which I got earth-shakingly bored(very weird expression, I know)

The only saving day grace that day was during dinner which I could talk to my family, and after that, when I watched TV. In conclusion, I found ways to fight boredom to combat my illness. You can either have a short break, (which does not work much for me) or force yourself to concentrate and work until you are no longer bored.(weird, but true)